Reflections #0024

Ankit Chhabra
2 min readDec 10, 2022

The last few months were physically and emotionally draining for me. While I was reflecting yesterday, I realised a few things about it -

• I had deprioritised self-care: My daily practices of Yoga and Vipassana, along with reflections, had taken a backseat due to time constraints. I had even compromised my sleep because of back-to-back travel. I constantly felt low on energy when I stopped engaging in self-rejuvenating exercises.

• My interfaces with the world demanded more than I was prepared for — New contexts required new roles and alliances. New initiatives required re-evaluating and re-aligning myself. Everything happened at such a fast pace that I was struggling to catch up. It eventually came to a point where I had many difficult conversations.

  • I lost my intentionality — Everything became mechanical as I rushed from one thing to another. The constant drain and push tested my limits, and I felt disconnected from myself at some point. Even the relationships which generally serve as my anchors felt heavy and too demanding.

Thankfully, I am recovering and getting back to balancing Action, Reflection and Silence daily.

I am curious to hear about your experiences and challenges in simultaneously giving your best to yourself, your friends and family, and your work.

Written on June 6th on Facebook

